Small School, Big Ideas
The entire population of The Linder Academy is smaller than just a few classrooms in most other schools.
Having such a small program means that each child’s path can be unique to his or her needs and interests. We can break into small “classes” for skill-based instruction such as Orton-Gillingham and multi-modal math, while also allowing all students to work cohesively on large projects, experiments, and events.
Our setup allows tremendous flexibility for students to work at their skill level, whether it is mastering age-appropriate material or pursuing their interests and abilities well above their age norms.
Core Curriculum
The Linder Academy focuses on Reading, Writing, and Reasoning. That does not mean we exclude other lines of inquiry - far from it! Our curriculum focuses on the skills that can and do get applied to content knowledge across the various domains. We encourage free inquiry time for students to pursue their passions.
Mixed-age Cohorts
Perhaps the greatest flaw of modern education is the “grade-based cohort” system where students are grouped by their age rather than their ability. In any traditional third grade class, you may find skills that range from kindergarten to fifth grade with some students excelling in reading but not math or vice versa.
The science of how we learn best backs skills-based cohorts instead of age-based cohorts and, at Linder, we have the freedom to offer that.
All students get the education and enrichment they need, whether they’re gifted or learning-different. No floors - and no ceilings.
Problem-Based Learning
We have long understood that learning must be linked to known concepts and applied to be mastered. Linder utilizes problem-based learning so that we can dive deep into a single concept and bring all academic subjects to its investigation. In this way, we do not isolate the academic skills, but rather show how they work together to investigate, understand, and communicate about the world.